
Really homesick today 😕 I mean I’m functioning fine, I just Think this might be one of the hardest things I’ve done! My rucksack is so heavy, I’m the highest, furriest, grubbiest I’ve ever been, and coldest and least cuddled 😛. I miss so many things. Some days I want to come home so bad (I’m…

Adventure far from home!

Life is a pretty awesome rollercoaster, highs, lows, slow bits, fast bits.  Since The Crash it seems to have speeded up!! Just occasionally I’d like to pause it and take a moment! Life doesn’t seem to work like that though!  I got a last minute invitation to a trip climbing in the Himalayen! And I…

Waiting for Mary with Dan

My friend Mary (who got me into running ultra trails) ran the CCC race (Courmayer, Champex, Chamonix) 25 days ago. She ran 101km with 6100 meters of vertical gain!  Dan and I were her support crew, which involves popping up along the route with food, clean socks and encouragement. As she ran through the night,…


I wrote this the morning before The Crash. Afterwards with my pounding head, battered body, general feelings of misery and bad side effects of antibiotics and codine I really didn’t feel finishing it up. Now I’m starting to starting to feel myself again I can look back, polish it up and share it! 23rd August…

Joys of Sprint Training

Pick a spot Focus narrowed to the spot Nothing else matters Go Go Go Fists tight Arms pumping Breath sawing Legs pumping Feet pounding Total focus Push a bit more Giving everything Almost there! Push Hurting At the spot Stop! Stop! Stop! Knees bent Heart pounding Legs shaking Head bowed Breath sawing Arms still Desperate…

Privilege and Joy

A little while ago, on a hot sunny day I ran from Grächen to Saas Fee (Switzerland) Without a shadow of a doubt it was one of the most beautiful runs I’ve ever done! A balcony run, presided over by a parliament of snow capped mountains. Undulating, flowing paths framed either side with bright alpine…

Three Peaks Race

Yorkshire 3 Peaks Race 30th April 2016 When I first entered the Yorkshire 3 peaks race I filled in the entry requirements realising that is was a slightly different kettle of fish to the longer races I have done before. The race  is 37.4 km (23.3 Miles) with a total ascent/descent of 1608m (5279 ft) It…

Zip Up My Coat

I skin up through a silent forest. Zig zagging up the man made track, getting higher and higher. The mountains are noisy this evening, rumbling, groaning, slopes shedding their heavy melting loads of snow. I start to feel like an unwanted guest. The fœn wind that was playful, gently stroking my cheek, feels stronger, angrier, pushing me away….

Change of Scenery

After being super busy for the last few months Chamonix I arrived at my parents and I stopped. Just stopped and sort of sagged, fatigue washing over me. Nothing the bed here, with its duvet and pillows made of clouds, some doggie stroking and some Mum cooking couldn’t fix!! Part of the reason for coming here…


The dictionary definition of snow is – noun atmospheric water vapour frozen into ice crystals falling in light white flakes, mainly intricately branched, hexagonal form, or lying on the ground as a white layer.” My definition is – funny white stuff that falls out of the sky when its cold that brings giddy glee but makes life harder, (digging out the car quickly…

Run or Sleep? Sleep or Run?

Ohh it feels good to sit. My head hits the table, the aching of a body unused to working this much washes over me.  It has been another 14 hour day. Everything clamours to make its pain felt, neck, shoulders, back, tight legs, battered and burnt hands, cracked from washing up and let’s not mention my feet!…

First Dawn

This is our new year dawn raid. Heading up in the dark to meet the first light of 2016. Starting a new year as we mean to go on, doing something different, not having hangover, being outside, with friends, playing in the mountains. Running this year because there is not enough snow to ski tour like we have…