Cake Collection

So this summer I have been out on my bike hunting for cake and I even found some, I just didn’t get round to writing about it. I need a break from writing about my big race, so I’ll write about cake!  I’ve picked out 3 highlights from July and August…. The bakery somewhere near…


I wrote this the morning before The Crash. Afterwards with my pounding head, battered body, general feelings of misery and bad side effects of antibiotics and codine I really didn’t feel finishing it up. Now I’m starting to starting to feel myself again I can look back, polish it up and share it! 23rd August…

Joys of Sprint Training

Pick a spot Focus narrowed to the spot Nothing else matters Go Go Go Fists tight Arms pumping Breath sawing Legs pumping Feet pounding Total focus Push a bit more Giving everything Almost there! Push Hurting At the spot Stop! Stop! Stop! Knees bent Heart pounding Legs shaking Head bowed Breath sawing Arms still Desperate…

Privilege and Joy

A little while ago, on a hot sunny day I ran from Grächen to Saas Fee (Switzerland) Without a shadow of a doubt it was one of the most beautiful runs I’ve ever done! A balcony run, presided over by a parliament of snow capped mountains. Undulating, flowing paths framed either side with bright alpine…